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Post Natal exercise/pilates classes commence Fri 14 November

By October 31, 2014April 17th, 2024Post Natal


Our resident Specialist Women’s Health Physiotherapist, Kate Brocklehurst,  is now running group classes (maximum 4 people per group).

These classes will provide Pelvic floor specialised exercises for SUI, UUI and prolapse and just general strengthening .

These types of exercises will help with issues such as:

  • stress urinary incontinence ( leaking with cough, sneeze, running, jumping on trampoline)
  • urge urinary incontinence – (not making it to the bathroom in time and leaking) 
  • key in the door syndrome

Kate has the ability to utilise a Real Time Ultrasound during class to look at quality of contraction and strength, provide Rectus Diastasis Abdominus care and guidance on how to best help linea alba to come together in cases with abdominal separation.

These classes are well suited for women 8 weeks post natal up to 2 years after giving birth. (special cases may be suitable).

Please contact MGS Reception staff on 9976 2666 and ask specifically to book in with Kate Brockelhurst in her Post Natal classes. If you are unsure of your suitability for these classes, Kate is happy to call you back to discuss or alternately come in and see her for a standard Physiotherapy one on one appointment for a thorough assessment and treatment.