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A note on Private Health Insurance Rebates

By May 23, 2019January 30th, 2024Exercise, Fitness, Health, News

Recently, as part of the national health reform, the Federal Government announced its plans to make certain natural therapies ineligible for private health insurance rebates. Among these was Pilates and Yoga to name a few.  What this means for the health consumer is that ordinarily when they had received a rebate for attending such classes through their private health insurer, this is no longer the case. However, rebates remain unchanged when attending physiotherapist directed exercise classes.

Just as Yoga is perhaps synonymous with a stretch class, and Pilates is a brand name exercise option culturally synonymous with ‘core strength’, these exercise options are taught by enthusiastic local Yoga and Pilates instructors but all too often they do not have the allied health training of physiotherapists, in injury management and prevention. Our classes do include elements of these brand name exercise options with Pilates-informed exercises and Yoga-informed stretch and mobility components but most importantly your classes are individualised to your needs, backed by individual assessment, progressions, treatment and follow-up with an ultimate goal of discharge back to pain free, fear free, good quality living.  We are your personal instruction manual, here to show you how resilient your body is. We remove the fear of movement which pain can create, and help you cut through the ‘noise’ and of what it means to be a better you without relying on anyone else but yourself in the long-term.